There's an old maritime proverb that goes like this - "let the storms show your mastery".

Some of us have led our family through storms before. But for others, this crisis is new territory. Know that this will be one of your most trying

Fortunately, you’ve been preparing for this moment for a while now—you just didn’t know it. This moment is where real leadership is made, or worse, lost.

This is undeniably an opportunity. It is possible to parent well right now.

When the storms rage, your leadership should be forged to be stronger than ever.

Don't lose this opportunity to display grace... affection

...give direction

...think bigger

...establish your kids values

...upskill their abilities

...lean in

This is a sacred moment for the leadership of our families.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your family powerhouse:

Grab a free copy of the family rescue kit -

It’s the roadmap to get unstuck, fix foundations and take massive action for your family awesomeness. — Click Here

Join the Rebel Family free facebook group
 It’s our new Facebook community where ambitious ruckus makers like you learn to crush some family goals. #couplegoals #rockstarparents — Click Here

Join our Tribe of Rebel Family Insiders -
 We're putting together a close community of rebel families who are passionate about life transformation, marriage communication courses, live coaching calls, and deep-dive learnings on family vision / mission / strategy for awesome life impact. This is for the tenacious, the faithful, the hungry, the ruckus makers and lovers of all things 'rebel family'
 … message me and ask to schedule a strategy session call with Dan, CLICK HERE

Work privately with me and my team of coaches and family therapists
 If you’d like to work with me on your marriage and family awesomeness, tell me a little about your fam and what you’d like to work on together… just send me a message with the words “Coaching”. — Click Here