If you’re like me, after you finished college, you found moments in your life when your friendships with others changed. Maybe you wanted to grow and evolve spiritually, and they did too. But you’ve also probably walked away from friendships that, for one reason or another, no longer served you.

Some could see moments like this as a positive change, but for many of us, it can be really lonely… even before the isolation of the pandemic. And we’re like, “How the heck do we do that, again?”

I hate to break it to those of you who want shiz to happen spontaneously, but the key is to take some initiative. And maybe even (gasp) plan!

Another reason why people have a hard time making friends later in life is because of the stigma attached to putting yourself out there after a certain age. It’s also key to get over our initial shyness and actually ask for new people’s contact info.

Making new friends requires the same thing that most worthwhile things in life do - taking risks, being uncomfortable, letting go of what other people think of us, and cultivating the belief that we’re 100% worthy and lovable as we are - perfectly imperfect.