Gone are the days when dreams were just dismissed as a load of nonsense. They are analysed, sifted through and interpreted. But is this really a new phenomenon? Absolutely not. It is a return to the senstitivities of yesteryear, when it was understood - long before Freud, long before Jung - that there was a substratum of unconscious ideas in the human mind. Is it a dream or a delusion? Is it an unhealthy projection of desire, or is it a real positive ray of hope for the future? 

It took a master of insight to be able to clarify the meaning of a dream truthfully. The paradigm was Yosef - the Tzaddik Gomur - perfectly pure inside, reflected outwards. He radiated this chein, and as such, people were open books to him and he could clearly see through thick walls and barriers. Is this some kind of trick? Not at all. You just need to know where in the thick wall to look.

We call it a window.