Do you know anyone called 'Menachem-Shilo-Yinon-Chanina'? You do? My bet is that they were born on Tisha B'Av. This would be the parents' attempt to ensure fame for their little 'Tzaddikel'.

The truth is, since when are we so deterministic? If you don't have at least one of those names, then you can't be Moshiach? And if you were born on any of the other 353 days, then forget it?

Obviously, this brooks further investigation. What is the significance of these factors? And why does it have to be the worst day in the year that heralds the potential best day ever?

The beginnings of the answer lie in the song that the wind sings, in order to call in the exiled Jewish nation from the four corners of the globe. That same wind which dispersed, is connected to the spirit of Moshiach himself.