One of the interesting theories of the origin of the phrase 'to be on cloud nine' dates from 1896, when a certain Sir Ralph Abercromby was involved in the new grading of cumulonimbus clouds as a level 9 cloud. They are the densest and tallest of all clouds, producing rain and often called thunderheads.

Tisha b'Av is a cloud on day 9 of the month in which Aharon - in whose merit we had the protective Clouds of Glory - died. And whilst it all seems hopeless, dark and threatening, day 9 is the day which signals the birth of Moshiach too.

The point of crying in Judaism, is not to wallow in grief - it is to cry for what was lost, and aspire for its return, or rebirth. Out of the ashes. The ashes which we dip the egg - the symbol of birth and rebirth - into. 

Before the tragic day even begins...