In this episode of The Liberal Soul I take a little detour down a Karl Popper path and discuss a section from his book The Open Society And Its Enemies. There is an incredible section of that book where Popper dissects the difference between individualism and egoism; and how Plato conflated them for his own propaganda. By equating individualism with egoism, Plato made it easy to dismiss as uncaring, selfish, and without interest in altruism. Popper points out a simple logic in error from Plato that leads to this (intentional?) misunderstanding. 

Popper points out that individualism in the philosophic sense is contrasted against collectivism, not altruism. By stating that individualism is a synonym of egoism, Plato forgoes the responsibility of arguing the merits or demerits of collectivism (which is unsurprising given his totalitarian ambitions discussed in The Republic). In this formulation, Popper argues that a person can be a Individualist Altruist (caring for the wellbeing of individual people). This is the idea I explore in this episode.

In this episode I talk about:

- The example of the individualist - altruist in the figure of Charles Dickens

- The phenomenon of NIMBY (not in my back yard), and the longer, deeper, further and harder work it actually is to help people who are struggling and suffering.

- Pericles sense of justice vs. Plato's.

- Music and the arts as a prime example of the benefit and need for individualism

- How the quirky individual is no good for a collectivist culture or state

- Some quotes from Plato demonstrating his intentional dishonesty

- Some of the totalitarian ideas in Christianity inherited from Plato

- And how individualism isn't just an abstract idea to make it work; it needs to be alive in the hearts of people.