Your favorite hosts digest 2 straight episodes of Big Brother All-Stars and give perfect, bulletproof, and inarguable opinions about the first week in the Big Brother house:


Why is Kevin STALKING the bathroom when people are just trying to poop?Why was the Veto competition this week so PHALLIC?Who ISN'T Cody in an alliance with in this darn house?What is the GOLDEN RULE, and why is this the first time Anthony is hearing about "respecting other people"?


Join Andrew and Anthony as we try and get over a real weird gym story that Andrew felt inclined to share at the start of the podcast. Honestly, y'all are lucky I edited it down because BUDDY did it make things uncomfortable.


Follow us on Twitter @RealityWagon for our live opinions during the episodes and feeds, and tweet at us if you wanna argue - we're always up for an impassioned political debate at 11 AM on a Wednesday. We're not busy people.



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