Just a good ol' vent session hosted by the only white, bearded podcasters on God's Green Earth. And buddy, we complain our little tushes off in this episode:

HOW did the 2-hour live premiere episode ruin the first week of BB22?WHY did Kaysar and Janelle both go for the Safety Suite?WHY are BB veterans crying on night 2?HOW do you wipe your buttcheeks wearing a large, star mascot costume?

Join Andrew and Anthony in our pursuit of answers and healing - especially after hearing the DISGUSTING words that one houseguest had about another houseguest's disability. 

Follow us on Twitter @RealityWagon for our live opinions during the episodes and feeds, and tweet at us if you wanna argue - we're always up for an impassioned political debate at 11 AM on a Wednesday. We're not busy people.

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