Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh artwork

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh

912 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Reality Reflections

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Reality Reflections - What Gets Measured Gets Managed

January 28, 2022 00:41

 When we hear this Gospel, we may not quite understand what God is saying to us....."The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you,  and still more will be given to you."

Reality Reflections - Praying Without Doubt

January 27, 2022 03:29

 How many of us pray all the time without doubting? Yeah, pretty much none of us do that. We need to do this so we receive from the Lord...

Reality Reflections - I Am Not Supposed to Be Holy

January 26, 2022 04:41

 Ever think that holiness must be for someone else, not you? We talk about this today and how you ARE on the right track!

Reality Reflections - Why Did I Do That?

January 20, 2022 23:57

 If we asked this question throughout our day, we would have wisdom beyond our wildest dreams...listen in to hear what I mean! If we asked this question throughout our day, we would have wisdom beyond our wildest dreams...listen in to hear what I mean! 

Reality Reflections - What is Love?

January 20, 2022 04:47

 Do you know what love is? What about agape love that is the theme of the Bible? We talk about how we cannot love without God mending our hearts today! Here is the link to find out what your charisms are:

Reality Reflections - Is the Bible Reading You?

January 17, 2022 17:04

 Many of us read the Bible and use others to help us understand it. But eventually we should allow the Bible (God himself) to speak to us alone. Listen in to see what I mean!

Reality Reflections - Do You Know How to Listen?

January 13, 2022 04:30

 Sometimes we struggle to hear God's voice in our lives. Let's talk about the right way to listen for God in every aspect of our day! 

Reality Reflections - This is What a Relationship with God is All About

January 13, 2022 04:26

 We could all learn something from Hannah and her relationship with God! Today's podcast we dive into what a relationship with God is really about...

Reality Reflections - Am I Not More to You Than...?

January 11, 2022 03:44

 How often do you feel unloved or less than with people in your life?  I have given and received this message, it's one we should all hear again and again.

Reality Reflections - Jesus Prays, Do You?

January 08, 2022 04:04

 Ever wonder what Jesus Prays about? Let's take some time and join Him to seek His help in prayer. It's a beautiful meditation.

Reality Reflections - What is Perfect Love?

January 08, 2022 03:56

 We all want to be loved, but what does it mean to have love perfected?  Let's dive in and love the way God loves us.

Reality Reflections - God is Speaking Clearly to Us

January 07, 2022 04:41

 Are you a liar? Are you a disciple? Are you loving others and speaking truth of the Gospel to the world? Wonder how to do just that? Listen to what God tells us today in His Word.

Reality Reflections - Are You Mad at God?

January 04, 2022 20:27

 Sometimes we may not understand or question His ways. Other times we might get downright mad at Him. Do this when it happens...

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Discernment in The New Year

January 03, 2022 15:37

Discernment is not easy. We talk about how it is imperative to spend time with God to chose wisely.

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Happy New Year – What is Your Resolution?

December 31, 2021 15:00

Let's reflect on this year and pray for our resolutions to be sent clearly to us from God!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Do You Live for the Audience of One?

December 30, 2021 15:34

Many of us struggle with worldly attachments and forget that we should be living for The Audience of One!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Are You Walking in Darkness?

December 29, 2021 14:42

Many of us think we are walking in the light, but we are walking in darkness if we do not forgive. We talk about how we can get that freedom of forgiveness from God on today's podcast. Need help on your spiritual journey? Go to

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - What Does God Want for Your Resolution?

December 28, 2021 15:03

Many of us do not pray to find out what areas of our lives we need to focus on....especially with New Year Resolutions..... Need help on your journey, go to

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Last Message Before Christmas

December 23, 2021 14:42

It is time to get your mind, body and soul prepared for Christmas today! We talk about how to be love!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Do You Talk About God?

December 22, 2021 14:32

Many of us fail to proclaim the goodness of the Lord, let alone rejoice in Him. Let's talk about how we can do that as we approach Christmas!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Do You Ask For Help?

December 21, 2021 14:10

Some of us have a hard time asking for help and receiving it with gratitude. Let’s pay attention to this, especially these last few days….before Christmas!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Have You Reflected on This During Advent?

December 20, 2021 16:23

If you haven't yet contemplated Mary and Joseph on their journey, today is the day!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

December 17, 2021 14:54

As we move from joy into the week of peace, we talk about peace that surpasses all understanding this Advent Season and beyond!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - What Does It Mean To Prepare The Way?

December 16, 2021 14:43

Many of us are preparing for Jesus, but are we preparing His Way? We chat about that today....let's look at new ways to pave the path of Jesus to other's hearts 

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Don't Fall Into The Trap This Christmas

December 15, 2021 14:21

We have been duped to think about Christmas in the wrong ways since little kids. But yet, even us faithful servants keep falling for Satan's lies...if you need help on your journey, go to

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Which One Are You?

December 14, 2021 14:09

I bet you have been both on your journey ... but which one are you now? Let's unpack the Gospel today and find that JOY in doing God's Will. Need help on your journey? Go to

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - How Do You Find Joy in Bad Situations

December 14, 2021 13:49

Today we talk about practical ways to find joy in the worst of situations! Let's focus on joy this third week of Advent, no matter what!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Get In The Game!

December 10, 2021 16:38

If you feel like you aren’t fulfilling your Advent Season, then get in the game now! We talk about why NOW is the time…

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Do You Have Ears to Hear?

December 09, 2021 21:13

We are all on different paths in life, some may have ears to hear and some not. Today we talk about this gift and how to be sure we use it.

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - A Call Out To Mary

December 08, 2021 15:37

Today, let's spend a little time talking about Mary's life, faith and how she can help us in our lives!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - What Does It Mean To Be A Sheep?

December 07, 2021 14:25

Are you a sheep? We talk about the multiple meanings and how we can be sure to be the right one!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Are You Afraid of Fire's Burn?

December 06, 2021 16:08

I desire purification of fire in heart here on earth. I do not wish for Purgatory. Let's talk about how we can seek Fire's purification from God!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Worried About End Times?

December 03, 2021 18:04

Too many are walking around in panic, fear and eternal preparation mode! I know because many have reached out directly to me! Please listen to this podcast and find your peace, hope and joy!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Does God Know You?

December 02, 2021 14:50

It's a strange question, if God knitted us in the womb, knows the number of hair on our head, why wouldn't He know us when we call to Him? We talk about this on today's podcast....

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Miracles…They HAPPEN!

December 01, 2021 15:52

Miracles are NOT thousands of years ago in The Bible...they are happening today! I have had many miracles in my life, let's talk about hoping in miracles today, shall we? 

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - What Does It Mean to Hope?

November 30, 2021 16:14

Some of us give up on hope on God way too soon! Today we talk about hope and what we can do to "keep hope alive" in our spiritual lives...

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Lets Deepen Our Relationship with God - Together

November 29, 2021 16:05

If you are like me, you may be going through the motions and not progressing in your relationship with God. Let's turn that around TOGETHER this Advent!!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Lets Be Thankful for....Day 3

November 24, 2021 17:45

Do you give thanks to God for all your material goods? Many of us idolize money and things, let's give it all to God today!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Let's Be Grateful For …. Day 2

November 23, 2021 15:35

How often do you go about your day and completely forget to look at God's creation around you? More than just looking, but experiencing it! 

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Lets Be Grateful For Day....1

November 22, 2021 16:29

Three days of gratitude that we can all contemplate. Today, we talk about loving our family and friends in a thankful way! 

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Are You Still Wearing A Mask?

November 19, 2021 15:25

Are you still hiding behind a mask you put on for the world? Let’s talk about how we need to be authentic and real with those in our lives.

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Love Those Closest To You Today

November 18, 2021 16:06

Sometimes we can take advantage of those who are closest to us and not be that loving neighbor. Let's do something to change that today!

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Why Do We Blow Things Out of Proportion?

November 17, 2021 14:50

Ever think some conversation or situation was going to be way worse than it was in reality? Why do we do this and how can we stop?

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Would You Die For God?

November 16, 2021 15:07

That is a deep question, but we pull it back to dying to ourselves in other ways. Listen in and ask yourself if you are truly loving God enough to die to your behaviors...

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Are You Blind To God In Your Life?

November 15, 2021 17:24

Even though we can't see Jesus in the flesh like the blind man, we can see Him in our daily lives in so many ways. Listen to how and start living in the Spirit....

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - This Too Shall Pass

November 12, 2021 15:13

Sometimes we want seasons and situations to go away as quickly as possible. How can you get through bad times with ease? We go there today....

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Do You Suffer With Joy?

November 11, 2021 20:44

How many of you are joyful when you suffer? I am dealing with that right now, let me share my conversation with Jesus.

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - You Are God's Alone

November 09, 2021 14:18

We forget how important we are to God. We forget how much He loves us and created us for a purpose. Today reminds me of this very important fact we should reflect on every day! --- Support this podcast:

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - Let Go And Let God

November 08, 2021 14:12

How do you deal with not being able to control things in your life? Let's talk about that and how to truly let go and let God. For more help on your journey, go to

Reality Reflections with Kendra Von Esh - I Can Tell You Now

October 29, 2021 14:53

A couple weeks ago, I said I had something to tell you, but not right then. How horrible of me, right? Well, I can tell you now....