This is the fifth episode in our new podcast series exploring a woman's relationship with Talmud Torah. In this episode, we interview Mrs. Sara Morozow, high school educator and beloved kallah teacher who lectures on topics related to chinuch for young women and teenage girls. We explore the role Torah study plays in the life of a modern frum woman both before and after she gets married and starts a family.

We discuss these questions and more:

In the years before they get married, many women are focused on building careers so they can support their future families. Where does studying Torah fit in? Is it the right thing for a woman to spend her time and energy on if it is more of a man's mitzvah? If a woman will one day have a family and not have time to invest in learning, should she do so now if she won't be able to keep it up? How does learning fit into a women's role as an akeres habayis? Hashkafically, men and women have distinct roles in Judaism. Should that prescribe how they each bring Torah into the home?

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Thank you to Chavi Russ for sponsoring this episode in the merit of any women waiting to have children. May they be blessed with זרע חיי וקיימא very soon.