Louis Jebb @JebbL is CEO and founder of Immersiv.ly: the news platform for virtual reality. His vision is to make people love the news again, and sees virtual experiences and being inside others’ stories helping mainstream news act a vehicle for mass education.

With a 30+ years deep knowledge of the newspaper industry, Louis knows that news publishers must care about their consumers, and takes this same kindness to the powerful medium that is virtual reality - www.immersiv.ly

*This audio show was originally a live video conversation, with input from our participatory community using blab.im technology. JOIN US LIVE on Tuesday evenings @ 5PM PST/8PM EST and (sometimes) on Tuesday mornings 11AM PST/2PM EST too! --> www.realvirtualshow.com - stay #realvirtual @realvirtualshow

*Big thanks to John K. Chin for the jazzy music & James A. Beck for the voice magic