We chat with Justin McLaughlin, Marketing Director for 360 video solutions company 360Heros, about VR and 360 video. Is 360 video a medium unto itself, or is it a teaser to "true" virtual reality?

We address this question and discuss how capturing real world video content via spherical video can transport us to geographically distant places and stories, and what this means currently to branded content as well as the future of journalism - www.360heros.com

*This audio show was originally a live video conversation, with input from our participatory community using blab.im technology. JOIN US LIVE on Tuesday evenings @ 5PM PST/8PM EST and (sometimes) on Tuesday mornings 11AM PST/2PM EST too! --> www.realvirtualshow.com - stay #realvirtual @realvirtualshow

*Big thanks to John K. Chin for the jazzy music & James A. Beck for the voice magic