This month we aren’t in a specific series. Instead, I feel the Lord directing me to share what He puts on my heart for the week. Today’s word is “you are secure.”

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is as follows: physiological needs, safety, love, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

Security is a basic need of all humans, especially women. As a Christian counselor, I see many women, myself included, who do not doubt our salvation, but we doubt our worth. We sing the song, “I am a child of God,” but we don’t act like it.


In the introduction of my book, Image Restored, I shared about a study that found a secure attachment to our creator improves body image and other insecurities. Spend some time today evaluating your secure attachment to God. Then start a servant versus secure list and allow God to reveal the places He wants you to trust in Him.

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