My book, Image Restored, was released last week and I felt led to start a series about restoration. When I completed writing the book, God showed me that each of the chapter's themes applies to so much more than body image. While this series can be used to address body image struggles, I am going to share it in a way that you can apply it to ANY area of your life.

You do not need a copy of Image Restored to follow along with this series but of course, I recommend it. Let’s get started in chapter one, Truth Restored.

Therapist Thoughts:

Core beliefs are an individual’s central ideas about herself, others, and the world.

These beliefs act like a lens through which every situation is seen, and they shape how a person sees the world. Harmful core beliefs lead to negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whereas rational core beliefs lead to positive reactions.


Matthew 7:24–27

To stop ourselves from sinking, we must take the time to build our body image on a spiritual foundation of solid rock.


What area of your life do you feel like you are sinking?

Are you standing on the sinking sand of cultural core beliefs or the solid foundation of God’s word?

Ask God to give you a word to stand on (ex: stand firm photo album)
