Physical growth is usually the first place our mind goes to when we think about self-improvement. There are enough physical challenges and exercise programs on the market to last you all year. But today, I want to challenge how we view and approach physical growth.

For most women, we view physical growth through the lens of shrinking. Dream with me for a moment about physical growth that doesn’t focus on shrinking, rather, it focuses on what our body is capable of doing when submitting it to God.

Why physical strength matters: 

If you don’t feel well, it affects every area of your life. 

What could be different:

More energy, excitement, confidence, activities of daily living, stronger mindset 

Growth Resource:

How People Grow by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Revelation Wellness

Weekly grow challenge:

Ask God how He wants to partner with you to grow physically. Maybe it’s doing something you’ve never done before. Or perhaps giving up something you know isn’t nourishing your body (excess sugar or alcohol). Do some research on a physical challenge that excites and challenges you.

Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook