Back by popular demand is our third annual Process and Pray series. Each December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of processing, praying, and praising will remain the same. I asked the Lord to show me four areas he wants us to process before we move into the new year. In this episode, we're finishing the series by giving God the dreams and desires of our hearts.

Process the following questions throughout the week in a journal -

What dreams or desires of your heart came to pass this year? What dreams are still in your heart, but don’t seem to be coming to pass? Is it time to let that dream go OR do I need to stand in faith for it? What dream do you want to deposit in my heart for 2023?

Resource: I have a private invitation for my podcast listeners only. My book launch team is unofficially open, and I have space to lead 100 women through an early release copy of my book, Image Restored. I am giving time for my people, that’s YOU, to sign up and be part of that launch before I announce anything publicly. To learn more and register, head to The book trailer is now available on that page, as well!