Back by popular demand is our annual Process and Pray series! If you’re new here, in December, we spend every Monday morning in a series where we process and pray through the year. Each week the focus will be different, but the theme of processing and praying will remain the same. As a therapist, I believe in the power of pausing and reflecting so we can embrace the present and look forward to the future.

Thus far, we have discussed victories, boundaries, and prayers. We are finishing the series by reflecting on words, or promises, from God we are standing on.


What word did God give me for the year?

What promises has God spoken to me and my family?

Pray, "God, what word are you giving me for the coming year?"


Thank you for joining me in the month of December as we praised, processed, and prayed through the year. I would love it if you would take the time to share this series with a friend so we can walk boldly into the new year. If you haven’t already, please leave a review for the show so other listeners can join us on this journey through life with Jesus as our guide.