For the month of December, we will spend every Monday morning in a series called “Praise, Process & Pray through 2021”. Last week, we processed the topic of change, closed doors/redirection, or loss. This week our topic is relationships.

Relationships are hard yet we need them. Let’s start by praising God for the relationships we do have.

Praise: Thank God for anyone currently in your life. Thank God for what he did in relationships. This year, I grew closer to my oldest daughter and my husband.

Process: Broken relationships have the potential to hold great power over us. Dr. Robert Anthony says, “When you blame others, you give up your power to change”. I lost a friendship this year and it left me feeling confused, betrayed, and lonely. Every time that friend comes to mind, I choose to release and bless her. Let’s do that now in our prayer time.

Pray: Pray over broken relationships. Pray over 2022, that the Lord will restore broken relationships and bring new ones in as needed.

Resource: Six Steps to Clear Communication

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