I will never forget the moment in my journey to become a therapist when I was seeing my own therapist. I was processing a traumatic memory from my childhood and after I had shared everything I could remember she said, “Where is Jesus in this moment?”

For the first time, I was able to see Jesus there with me. Weeping with me. Protecting me in ways I didn’t even ask Him to. And walking me out of that dark situation. Jesus has since healed my heart from that time in my life, but it was a process.

We can’t talk about Jesus and therapy without bringing up the most obvious point about Him - He is a Healer. We can read countless stories in the Bible about when He healed in a moment. It rarely came at the time or way they might have imagined but one touch from Him and the people were never the same again.

The question I feel Jesus asking us today comes from John 5:6, "When Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, “Would you like to get well?”

I’m not talking about physical healing today, though I do believe Jesus still heals our bodies. Do you want to be well in your heart? Are you ready to process that pain? Jesus is inviting you into that healing today. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He sent us the Holy Spirit to be our helper and comforter. With the help of the Holy Spirit, your journey to wholeness in your mind, soul, body, and spirit can begin today. 

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