This week our theme is Identity Restored from chapter 11 of my book, Image Restored.

This chapter is about comparison and I felt God highlight this as an identity issue. When we are busy comparing ourselves to others, we fail to see who God created us to be.

Three Rs to breaking a comparison yardstick:


Therapist Thoughts:

Body-checking is the habit of seeking (or avoiding) information about your body’s weight, shape, size, or appearance. A counselor can help if body-checking becomes problematic or interferes with your life, affects your eating habits, or becomes a way to control fear and anxiety about your body. When you find yourself body-checking, take a moment to check in with your heart and ask, "What am I looking for?"


Next time you compare, ask, what am I looking for?
What is missing in my heart that makes it hard for me to celebrate others?


The resource I recommend for all of these episodes is my book, Image Restored. (If you’ve already purchased the book, join the private community on the book page. We will email you free resources and printables you can use right away.)

What's Your Body Trying to Tell You Quiz