We are in the Friendship Series. The first week I asked you to draw a friendship timeline. That laid the foundation of looking at past and current friendships, as well as noticing healthy and unhealthy themes in this area. The next two weeks we discussed gossip and jealousy. We are finishing the series by discussing grace and healthy communication.


John 1:16-17, "For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."

Have you received God’s grace? Or are you still living under condemnation and unrealistic expectations for yourself? You can’t extend what you haven’t received.

Grace does not give permission for people to walk all over you like a doormat. Honest communication gives space for grace while also setting spoken boundaries.


Do I need to receive God’s grace?

Who in my life extends me grace? Who do I need to practice extending grace to?


Pray, "God, I receive Your grace today."


In my book, Image Restored, the last counselor cornerstone activity is called the Community Wheel. If you own the book, I suggest you use that activity throughout this friendship series. You can also use the Comparison Yardstick activity with today’s episode. If you don’t have the book, go to imagerestoredbook.com to learn more and purchase a copy.

If you aren’t yet subscribed to my email newsletter, do that today as we are emailing a PDF download of the community wheel to the community this month. Go to rachaelgilbert.com click the freebies tab and subscribe to the community there.