So far in the Restored Series we have covered truth, temple, union, and hope. This week our theme is family from chapter 5 of the book.

In this chapter, we discussed how our family of origin impacted our body image. The purpose of looking at our family is not to cast blame, but rather, to get healing and look for anything we do or don’t want to pass along to the next generations.

This chapter’s Therapist Thoughts:

An inner vow is often a promise we make to ourselves after being hurt or losing trust in someone. Though it feels like protection, it often brings more harm and barriers in relationships. Watch for words like never in your vocabulary to detect an inner vow.

As I prepared for today’s episode, I felt the Lord say there are two areas He wants to heal:

1. Family relationships

2. Inner vows you’ve believed or spoken. Even if your family doesn’t change, you have the power to draw a line in the sand and reclaim territory the enemy has wreaked havoc in for generations.


Isaiah 61:4, “The Lord rebuilds, restores, and renews that which was devastated for generations.”


God, what inner vow do I need to repent of and release to You today?

God, I give you …..(intercede in prayer for a specific family member)


The resource I recommend for all of these episodes is my book, Image Restored