This week we're starting a new series all about burnout. The Lord put this topic on my heart to process in these Talk Therapy sessions for a few reasons.

First, both my husband and I have experienced it at different seasons and it almost took us off track of our callings.
Second, because I counsel so many people who suffer from it.
Third, I am tired of the enemy taking territory in an area that could be avoided.

Let’s start by bringing some facts about burnout into the light:

The term “burnout” originated in the 1970s by psychoanalyst Dr. Herbert Freudenberger. While supervising counselors who work with people dealing with addiction, he noticed symptoms of emotional and physical fatigue that were imparting their work. World Health Organization (WHO) included “burn-out” in the eleventh edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in 2019. This means burnout is serious! Symptoms of burnout mirror depression. But Dr. O’Hana says that burnout’s bottom line is disconnection from everything that is important to you, including your very heart and soul. “When we are disconnected, we begin to equate our identity with achievement and performance rather than accepting and loving ourselves as the people God created us to be.” “Self-care is not a luxury; it is an ethical priority.”

Now, let’s pause to process:

How is your heart? On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “I’m great” to 10 meaning “I’m already burnt out”, where do you fall? Be honest. If anything above a 5, please get help. Tell a friend, family member, or counselor. God, what are you saying to me today?

Resource mentioned:

Beyond Burnout: What to Do When Your Work Isn’t Working for You

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