It’s February which, to some, means the month of love. This month, I felt God say it’s time to dive into attachment. In this episode, we will look at a few of the different types of attachments and why I addressed this topic in the introduction of my book, Image Restored.

In secure attachments, individuals feel safe expressing emotions, communicating with others, and setting boundaries. An insecure attachment style may develop from abuse, abandonment, or a rocky relationship with a caregiver or parent.

Bottom line: When we are operating primarily from a place of insecure attachment, we cling to anything and anyone that gives us hope of love and security. The problem is that no man or achievement can ever fill a hole in our soul that only God can fill.


How is my attachment style? Is it secure or insecure? If insecure, what have I been clinging to? God, how do you want to improve my attachment to You?


My book, Image Restored, releases on March 7th, 2023. When you preorder, you can access the private Image Restored podcast with short teachings, coaching calls, and other exclusive content. To learn more and access preorder bonuses, head to