This month we're in a series about attachments. Last week, we examined a few of the different types of attachments and why I addressed this topic in the introduction of my book, Image Restored. If you missed that episode, please go back and listen to see the foundation upon which this series is built.

For this episode, I felt the Holy Spirit ask me to share a prophetic word He gave me in worship last week and how it applies to our secure attachment to Christ and our call.


What area of my life feels heavy? Is it due to wearing armor that’s not mine to wear?


Today’s episode is brought to you by my book, Image Restored, which releases next month on March 7th, but you can preorder now and get the special price on Amazon of $13.99 (which is 30% off retail price). When you preorder, you automatically get the lowest price it dips to on Amazon. PLUS, you can access the private Image Restored podcast.

To learn more and access preorder bonuses, visit