This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm chatting with Mary Jo Pierce. Mary Jo served as pastor of prayer and Intercession at Gateway Church for 17 years and is passionate about helping you find your voice in and through prayer! An accomplished author and public speaker, Mary Jo combines her love of prayer, scriptures, and baking bread through her ACTS 2:42 seminars. Her books Let It Rise, Adventures in Prayer, and Follow Me, have unlocked the joy of living prayer for readers across the world.

Key Points from Our Conversation:

Prayer is so much more than what we do or say, it’s who we are. It’s the essence of abiding in God.

Prayer is often put in a religious box, but each of us has a prayer life that’s unique to us.

Prayers aren’t always words. Prayer connects people to God.

Engaging God in your tasks, whether they're hobbies, errands, etc., transforms those acts into worship because they glorify Him.

There’s so much to pray about that we can get overwhelmed, but we are uniquely created to carry God’s burdens in certain areas, i.e. our "prayer assignments". If you don't know what your assignment is, ask the Lord how you should pray, then listen to His response.

We think of rest as a vacation, but rest (Sabbath) is God’s gift to us. Ask the Lord what rest should look like for you.

Sabbath is a spiritual discipline. Ask how you want your Sabbath to look from your other days. 

Rest is a weapon. Designate a space for meeting with the Lord. Let’s Get Real Practical:

What does practical, simplified prayer look like for you? How can you bring prayer into what you're already doing?

Connect with Mary Jo: website | Instagram | Facebook
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook