This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm chatting with the author of The Joy of Being a Mom, Judy Brisky. Judy has been married to Mike for 31 years. They have two sons: Jacob married to Neeli with 2 baby boys, Bennett and Everrett; Joel married to Danny, they're expecting their baby girl in November. Judy has served in various ministries at her church including worship, women's, marriage, teaching, and speaking. Her heart has always been to encourage moms and when the Lord made a way for her to write a book, it was a huge blessing. She truly believes that we can have joy as moms even in difficult situations because the Lord is good and faithful and He will always be there for us!

Key Points from Our Conversation: We all face hard seasons as moms, but we can find joy in parenting because joy isn't based on our circumstances. Joy comes from knowing God's love and trusting Him to see us through anything. Timing is everything. "The when is just as important to God as the what." God loves you and sees you. He knows the season you’re in and He has a purpose for your life. We may know about the faithfulness of God, but to live within the faithfulness of God is life-changing. We can trust Him over our circumstances. “Because I have a great God, I have a great life.” It's natural to be sad and healthy to grieve, but we can't stay stuck in that place. God is faithful even when we don't understand. So many times God doesn't answer our prayers how we want, but we can trust that He always has a plan for us that includes joy and peace through difficult circumstances. It comes down to how much we trust God despite what’s happening. “When we find the joy in God’s love, we experience the peace regardless of our circumstances.” God wants to be with you in your grief. He loves you. He still hears you. He’s listening. Seek him above your prayer requests. When we seek Him first, everything we pray for falls second. He will give us what we need. Let people going through difficult seasons that you love them and you're praying for them. Ask if they have any specific prayer requests or offer a way to serve them. Let’s Get Real Practical:

What "but even if He doesn't" moment came to your mind during this episode? When you think of it, what feelings came up?
Have you really allowed yourself to process the pain or disappointment?
What lies might you have believed in that season?
What truth is God speaking over you today?

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