In this episode of Real Talk with Rachael, I'm talking with Arden Bevere about his new book Redefined. Arden is the youngest son of John and Lisa Bevere and the cofounder of Sons & Daughters, a movement committed to raising up a generation of uncompromising followers of Christ who will transform our world. He has traveled the world doing ministry and speaking at conferences and has a passion to see his generation go further than any that came before it, fully alive in this God-adventure.

Key points from today's conversation:

Arden wrote Redefined to combat the negative labels the younger generation has accepted as truth about themselves and share the truth of what God's Word has to say about his people. “God does not label His people in the Word of God. A label speaks to who were in the past or who we are now. That’s what the world does because they’re limited to time.”

If we live under labels we are we are missing out on the power and authority we have through Christ.

This generation does not a lack of Christians, but a lack of Christians who have stepped into the fullness of what that actually means to be sons and daughters of God. We have a generation that has not received transformation knowledge that comes from the Word of God.

What the enemy is labeling you is often the area God wants to use you to show His goodness and grace.

There is a unique expression of God inside of each of us and the world is waiting for it to be seen. Don't fall into the trap of comparison. You were designed to be your unique and authentic self.

Lean into your uniqueness and don’t see it as a weakness. God wants to use you in extraordinary and unexpected ways.

“We want to be warriors without war.” When we focus on God, we’re able to use past addictions as tools instead of a hindrance.

Our generation has missed out on the fear of the Lord. It’s a deeper level of intimacy with the Lord. It’s not fear of Him, it’s fear of being away from Him.

“The fear of God allows you to live fearlessly.”

Let's Get Real Practical:

When we're searching for our identity, we shouldn't consult our labels, we should consult the Lord.

Here are 2 real practical action steps you can take this week:

1. Identify one negative label in your life and remove it
2. Ask God what positive word He wants to replace that label with

Connect with Arden: website | Instagram | Facebook
Connect with Rachael: website | Instagram | Facebook