John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Loiane Groner @Loiane

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Resources:Nest.jsAngularNode ExpressRestifyFastifyTypeScriptVideo on nest vs expressReactReact and Nest togetherNest and AuthPassport.jsTypeScript DecoratorsInterceptorsLearn RxJSWho is using Nestjs?Nest.js MiddlewareNestjs GuardsVue and NestjsSequalizeGraphQL and NestjsTimejumps01:47 Guest introduction02:29 What is Nest.js?07:11 Sponsor: Ag Grid08:14 Is Nest suited for one app over another?20:46 How do guards work in Nest?22:55 Consolidating logic25:51 What gets in your way with Nest.js?26:48 Sponsor: IdeaBlade31:35 What does Middleware look like in Nest?36:12 Final thoughts

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