Recording date: 2020-03-24

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Naomi Meyer @Nae_Ohmi

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Resources:What's the difference between i18n and l10n?I18n on AzureVideo of Naomi Meyer presening i18n and l10n at AngularConnectintl object in javascriptintl object in caniuse.comReact IntlAngular i18nVue i18nSvelte i18nSpectrum International DesignWhat every JavaScript developer should know about UnicodemomentJSReact Berlin Data Visualizations and InternationalizationDate Fns - Date libraryContent Localization on AzureCodeTour VS Code ExtensionThe VS Code Extension for Code Tour by Jonathan CarterTimejumps02:44 Guest introduction04:52 What are the terms we're talking about?10:01 Why should we care about this?11:10 Sponsor: Narwhal11:43 Advice for designers building sites16:35 What about ALT text?27:30 Is it worth the extra time and investment?33:28 Sponsor: Ag Grid34:27 How do I work with unicode?39:41 Final thoughts

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