Recording date: 2020-01-23

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Kapehe @Kapehe_ok

Resources:Promises vs RXJS ObservablesPromisesRXJS ObservablesUnicastMulticastRX Library in angularRXJS operatorsBlueBird.jsFibonacciAuth0 blogTimejumps01:16:00 Guest introduction05:06:16 5 Points to consider09:38:12 Sponsor: Ag Grid12:35:20 If your project is small...13:09:00 Unicast and multicast16:17:00 How do you choose between them?29:33:05 Sponsor: IdeaBlade30:37:18 Which one should people be using?33:06:00 What sort of reaction do you get from people?35:17:18 Final thoughts

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