Recording date: 2018-09-20


John Papa

Ward Bell

Sam Julien

** Rob Wormald**


(0:01:20) Mailbag about Polymer's life and web components

(0:01:30) Polymer

(0:02:44) Rob says that more common features will move to the platform for web components

(0:03:45) Rob talks about how his role is to talk to folks who build apps with JavaScript

(0:05:04) Rob talks about solving the problem of recreating the same component over and over (DatePicker as an example)

(0:05:26) DatePicker in Angular Material

(0:05:46) Rob talks about solving the problem of recreating the same component over and over (DatePicker as an example)

(0:06:31) Dan talks about jQuery and the plugins for extensibility

(0:08:00) Ward asks if people are looking for an Angular version of a control or a more generic JavaScript one

(0:08:33) Ward asks Rob if he sees people want to interop between platforms

(0:09:12) Rob talks about how Google has various internal tools

(0:10:20) Angular's new Ivy compiler

(0:10:37) John asks Rob to explain the Ivy compiler

(0:11:15) Tree shaking

(0:11:30) Rob talks about how an Angular app will be about 15kb with Ivy

(0:14:00) John asks Rob if sharing company specific UI libraries is one of the goals of Angular Elements

(0:14:32) Angular Elements

(0:15:32) Ward asks Rob about dynamic forms and how Angular Elements may address it

(0:17:44) Ward asks about the value of AngularElements talking to each other! Vanilla web components are stand alone. Great. But I build apps and apps are components that talk to each other. If I'm building with AE, I get that inter-comm among elements, yes? How does that work?

(0:19:08) Dan asks Rob about how this impacts big companies

(0:20:26) Rob talks about SkateJS

(0:21:09) Ward asks Rob about vanilla web components.

(0:21:19) Ward says components should be able to talk to each other.

(0:22:37) Rob addresses how components can talk to each other with Angular Elements

(0:23:30) Dan says a lot of the companies he works with have islands of apps and want to take a feature and drop it in with a tool like Angular Elements.

(0:24:00) Ward says he loves Sharepoint

(0:24:29) Rob explains how Sharepoint users are one of the larger consumers of Angular Elements

(0:24:45) Ward says there may be similar things in the Salesforce world too

(0:26:52) John asks Rob how much Angular comes along for the ride with Angular Elements

(0:27:17) Rob explains the basic steps to create a component with Angular Elements.

(0:28:11) Rob says the way you author a component doesn't change, just how you bootstrap it.

(0:28:35) Dan asks if he needs the CLI to create and build Angular Elements

(0:29:38) Ward asks if DI works across the elements

(0:32:06) Ward asks Rob how he sees the other frameworks handling this problem.

(0:32:00) Rob talks about his experience with React and Vue's approaches to custom elements.

(0:32:56) Rob says the React team is talking with the Angular team about this, but he does not know of their plans.

(0:34:13) Rob says Vue provides the ability to publish component from inside of Vue, as far as he knows

(0:35:30) Rob talks about their relationship and cooperation with Ionic

(0:37:53) Someone to follow - Thierno Thiam and

(0:48:42) Someone to follow - Minko Gechev

(0:39:30) Someone to follow - is Laurie Voss, COO and co-founder of npm

(0:40:00) Someone to follow - Jason Miller author of preact

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