Recording date: 2019-09-03

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Colby Tresness @ColbyTresness


Azure Functions tutorial
Get the Azure Functions Core Tool
Get the VS Code extension for Azure Functions
What is serverless?
What is Lambda?
Why create serverless apps?
Scaling azure functions - consumption vs always on
Dedicated resources for Azure Functions
Premium plan for Azure Functions
FaaS (Functions as Service)
Serverless Cold Start War
Cold Starts in Serverless
AWS Firecracker
Google cloud functions
Open FaaS
Matt Hernandez


01:53 What's Ward been up to?
04:47 Why serverless?
12:02 Sponsor: Ag-grid
13:26 Is the consumption plan the best way to go?
20:17 Where does functions fit in?
30:28 Sponsor: Nrwl
31:07 Cold start
39:57 Serverless makes for a bad demo
42:55 Examples of things that use Serverless
45:51 Final tips

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