Recording date: 2019-06-20

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Randall Koutnik @RKoutnik


Build Reactive Websites with RxJS
Atlas Stack Language
Reverse Polish Notation
VS Code and Docker
Peacock for VS Code
Open close principle
Switchmap operator
Angular JS
Rx marbles
Redux observable

Someone to follow

Ta Nehisi Coats on Reparations
Mentoring Junior Engineers @ Slack HQ – Carly Robinson


02:32 Guest introduction
05:14 What are your proud of buildiing for developer tooling?
10:42 User experience vs developer user experience
13:46 Sponsor: Nrwl
14:21 How do you target developer tooling?
18:57 Build Reactive Websites with RXJS
22:54 What gets simpler?
30:28 Marble charts
32:18 Sponsor:
32:39 Ward's deep thought
45:14 How would you recommend folks get started?
46:06 Someone to follow

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