Recording date: 2019-04-18

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Natalie Qabazard @Natqab


Taking PHP Seriously at Slack
Salt Fat Acid Heat
The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science

Someone to follow

Mike Peiffer Newsletter
Stack Overflow 2019 Survey
Anna Pickard


01:25 Guest introduction
05:40 Topic introduction
12:30 What's the second step when introducing people to new tech?
15:04 Did they have good unit tests before?
26:23 Are you compelled to fix bad code?
28:48 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
29:54 How can Typescript help with refactoring?
33:28 What do people use for an editor at Slack?
37:12 Are there specific APIs within Slack?
40:02 How easy is GraphQL to use?
44:08 Sponsor: DevIntersection
45:00 What drew you to working at Slack?
48:18 Someone to follow

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