
John Papa @John_PapaWard Bell @WardBellDan Wahlin @DanWahlinCraig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker


Mike Ryan @MikeRyanDev

Recording date: Nov 2, 2023

Brought to you by

AG Grid


Resources:What is Generative AI?Free Course on Generative AI for BeginnersGenerating Images (Skyboxes) with AIFew-Shot PromptingPrompt Engineering TechniquesTemperature and Top_p ParametersOpen AI Temperature Cheat SheetTiktokenWhat is Retrieval Augmented Generation?Hardcore HistoryAdam Grant: “Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things”Dan Harris’s podcast with Adam Grant on this bookAdam Grant’s bioTimejumps00:28 Welcome01:01 Introducing Mike Ryan02:17 Is AI over hyped?07:47 Sponsor: Ag Grid08:46 The illusion of AI can be easily broken10:21 What AI is really good at13:57 How do LLM produce the right summary?24:42 Sponsor: IdeaBlade25:40 Have you tried different LLMs?27:47 Why do people need to run an LLM locally?37:29 It's about testing and trust39:32 How do you understand LLM's confidence in an answer43:04 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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