
John Papa @John_PapaDan Wahlin @DanWahlinCraig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker


Michael Hladky @Michael_Hladky

Recording date: Sep 7, 2023

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AG Grid


Resources:Push Based IO Company websitePerformance workshopSignals in angular keynotengConfWhat is reactive programming?JavaScript PromisesSignals in Angular as a new Rective PrimitiveAngular Signals docsRxJSKeyboard eventsRxAngularJavaScript Signals tutorial: implementing a signals library step by stepUnlock the Power of Angular - Master Class: A Comprehensive 4-Day Workshop with Michael HladkySignals 1-Pager CheatsheetTimejumps00:28 Grooming with John01:46 Guest introduction03:15 What is reactivity?04:55 What about promises?07:52 Sponsor: Ag Grid08:53 When is reactivity a good choice or not a good choice?16:21 How do you tame the complexity in programming?21:17 Sponsor: IdeaBlade22:17 Why should people pay attention to reactivity?28:10 Dan's cheat sheet for function calls

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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