const podcast = { episode: 227, title: 'Browser APIs you May Not Know Abou', topics: [ 'API', 'browser', 'development' ], guest: 'namei' hosts: [ 'Craig Shoemaker', 'Dan Wahlin' ]};

Recording date: March 16, 2023

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Sasha Shynkevich @neesoglasnaja

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AG Grid


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Resources:MDN Web DocsVibration APICan I UsePolyfillsChromium BrowsersContact Manager APIContact Picker API Drag and Drop APIIntersection Observer APIBeacon APIBroadcast Channel APITabs APILocalStorage APIBarcode APIPresentation APIFull screen APIPicture-in-Picture APIClipboard APIGamepad APISensor APIGeolocation APIBluetooth device APIMIDI APIHTML Sanitizer APIIndexedDB APITimejumps00:34 Welcome01:41 Guest introduction02:46 Which browser APIs are you working with lately?05:41 How do you know which browser supports which API?08:29 Sponsor: Narwhal09:09 What code do you write to ensure API support?10:38 What is a polyfill?15:03 How do the APIs get used on mobile development?17:23 How would you categorize APIs?22:44 How could someone use broadcast channel API?25:25 Sponsor: Ag Grid27:36 Media APIs34:03 Devices API38:36 Data management APIs43:07 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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