Recording date: 10/27/2022

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Martin Turoci @Unusual_code

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AG Grid


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Resources:H20 on TwitterH20 websiteH2O Hydrogen TorchSlovakia on Google MapsBadmintonSurfingGitHub CopilotStanley KubrickStar WarsMicrosoft Cloud command linePsychology of MoneyExistential PhysicsTimejumps00:28 Badminton vs snowballs02:49 Guest introduction04:11 A front end framework without HTML or CSS?05:23 What is Sponsor: Ag Grid08:06 How do you build a presentation?11:21 Is it server side or client side?13:42 What types of applications are people using this for?15:32 Sponsor: Narwhal16:11 What is the target audience for Wave?24:22 Why are web sockets not fun to set up?27:41 What are some use cases for Wave?29:21 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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