Recording date: October 6, 2022

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Kapehe @kapehe_ok

Brought to you byAG Grid


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Kapehe’s blog

Kapehe’s YouTube channel

The Battle of House Promises vs House Observables with Kapehe

What the heck is a developer advocate?

Query Language for Sanity (GROQ)

GROQ in 2 video series



00:32 Topic introduction

01:04 Creating content

02:49 Guest introduction

05:49 What does developer relations mean to you?

07:18 Sponsor: Narwhal

07:50 How does Dev Rel go back to the Product team?

15:03 Where does video work best for dev rel?

19:34 Sponsor: Ag Grid

20:36 The difference between a presentation vs a workshop?

22:33 How does dev rel not become a shill for the company?

27:21 Dealing with criticism of dev rel knowledge

33:10 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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