Recording date: 04/14/2002

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen @LayZeeDK

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AG Grid


Resources:GitHub ActionsWebhooksYAMLGitHub Actions SDKLinux command line cheat sheetGitHub MarketplaceGitHub AppsAzure Static Web AppsGitHub Self Hosted RunnerGitHub Hosted runnerAWS for GitHub ActionsGitHub Actions for Google CloudLumberjack4 ways we use GitHub Actions to build GitHub: Turn weekly team photos into GIFs and upload to READMEActionsflowThis is Learning’s automated Twitter feed using Actionsflow and GitHub actionsGitOpsWhat is GitOpsAzure Kubernetes ServiceDockerOCIGitOps OperatorArgo CDKubernetes Zero Downtime DeploymentsA system for learning new disciplinesNubesGenGitHub Learning LabTimejumps01:21 Guest introduction01:58 What is GitHub Actions?04:14 How do Actions differ from Web Hooks?05:55 Sponsor: Ag Grid06:57 How do you glue together GitHub Actions?09:44 What languages work best for GitHub Actions?14:46 How did you get into working with GitHub Actions?21:58 Where are GitHub Actions happening?24:32 Sponsor: Ionic25:10 What are common use cases for GitHub Actions?27:17 What are the strangest GitHub Actions?35:37 What is GitOps?43:28 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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