Recording date: 4/29/2021

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Majid Hajian @Mhadaily

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Resources:Majid Hajian’s websiteFlutterDartTour of the Dart languageFlutter Hot ReloadDart StreamingrxdartDart event loopDart isolateDeclarative ProgrammingImperative ProgrammingStart thinking declarativelyIoTIoT HubMaterial DesignClean ArchitectureFlutter DesktopFlutter WebFlutter FavoritesCreate readme filesTimejumps02:32 Guest introduction03:07 What is Flutter?10:09 Sponsor: Nrwl10:46 Dart is not dead18:39 What kinds of screens does an IoT device need?24:07 What was the on-boarding process like?28:27 What's the developer experience like with Flutter?30:33 What's the business case for Flutter?34:38 How do consumers get the app when it's built?39:50 Sponsor: Ag Grid40:57 When is Flutter a good choice to use?44:12 Flutter vs Electron47:48 Flutter on the web51:07 How do you get started with Flutter?52:11 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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