Let's be real - there can be a LOT of complaining in education.

You're sitting in the teacher's lounge, just trying to eat your noodle cup and chat about last night's episode of The Bachelor, when in comes THAT teacher. That guy who's always mad; the lady who yells at her students every day at 2:45 like clock work. And you feel for them. You do. You used to be that teacher. Heck, some days you ARE that teacher.

You listen to them sympathetically - because we've all been there- , but you really wish you could just say - "Okay but why are you doing that?" Why are you making life more difficult for yourself with that policy, with that assignment, with that rule? If you would just change your mindset, switch your perspective, bend just a little bit your life would be easier, your students would be happier, and you wouldn't be so stressed out all the time.

Well this is Real Talk Intervention - and we. went. there. Are the things you're doing in your classroom stressing you out? Well ...

Why are you doing them??

On today's episode we confront some of those rookie mistakes teachers are making - that we all continue to make year after year - that stress us all out so much that, really, if we would just stop, we'd see increased student engagement and motivation. 

We all need a slap upside the head every once in awhile. 

Listen to what you wish you could say to that teacher in the lounge - or maybe what you need to say to yourself - here

Music courtesy of The Creative Commons.
