Today we have Lauren Smith who is also a registered dietitian based. She is the owner of Sorority Nutritionist, that specializes in helping sorority alumni lose weight, gain confidence, and ditch dieting forever.


In this episode of Real SOULutions:

03:30 - Who is Lauren and what is her story?

0:30 - How does Lauren help sorority women?

08:00 - Calorie counting

14:00 - How do you create a balance between strict dieting and being complacent in what you eat?

18:00 - The first thing you should do to start taking care of yourself

20:30 - Being patient in the process of starting to live healthy

24:00 - Making small changes

29:00 - Nutrition fake news

38:00 - Practical ways to living your best life

42:00 - A quote that resonates with Lauren

47:00 - Where can you find Lauren?


Visit Lauren's website at:

And on Instagram at: @sorority.nutritionist