In this episode of the Real Rebel Podcast Audio Coffee edition, we riff on stepping into the new you. Right now on our planet, we’re undergoing a massive shift. The world as we once knew it will never be the same. And this is a very good thing.

Since we are a global collective, just as the earth is going through a massive transformation, many are finding they are going through the same kind of rebirth internally. Which only makes sense. This time of being forced to stay in our homes is very much like a period of gestation. A time where we can slowly birth this new version of who we are now.

Because I guarantee you have shifted on some level.

In order to do this, really, we don’t have to do anything because it’s already happening. It’s like labor has started and it’s only a matter of time. There are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself though. In this Monday’s Audio Coffee, I pose a few questions you can ask yourself to support you on this journey of rebirth. 

There is a bigger, more potent, more free version of yourself here now. It’s up to you to see it and step into these new shoes you were destined to fill.

Your Host - Katie B