This Audio Coffee is formatted a bit differently than usual. I pulled a card on Instagram this past week that really resonated with people. So I thought, why not just jump right into it. So instead of this episode being in two segments, as usual, we just dive right on in with the card reading.

In this Audio Coffee episode, I’m riffing on how often the hardest part about things coming to completion is the letting go part. It’s normal for endings to be bittersweet. To want to hold on to the known and the safe and feel a bit trepidatious about what’s ahead. This is a totally normal human feeling and it’s so important to not judge yourself for having it.

Change can be challenging enough as it is (although I do believe we can get better at it over time) so there’s no sense in adding extra pressure on an often already pressure-filled situation. 

Also, happy full pink moon! How timely. :) 

Items I riff on today…

Completion and letting go.A fun Dairy Queen story.Codependency and detachment.Planting seeds vs. forcing.

Journal Prompts: 

What are you ready to commit to in your life for this next chapter?What is it time for you to step into?Where have you abandoned yourself in the past that you are now ready to show up for yourself?

I love your face. As always.


Show Notes:

Your Host,

Katie B