Everyone is at risk of breast cancer, and some of us are at a higher risk than others. Learning about your breast cancer risk can empower you to make important breast care decisions to take charge of your health. Today’s guest lost her mother to breast cancer 20 years before she had her first mammogram. The results of that first mammogram revealed something suspicious, which was a huge wake up call for her and caused her to speak with her doctors about preventative options. Here today to share what she learned and the steps that she is taking to prevent the development of breast cancer is Colleen Boraca.

Everyone is at risk of breast cancer, and some of us are at a higher risk than others. Learning about your breast cancer risk can empower you to make important breast care decisions to take charge of your health. Today’s guest lost her mother to breast cancer 20 years before she had her first mammogram. The results of that first mammogram revealed something suspicious, which was a huge wake up call for her and caused her to speak with her doctors about preventative options. Here today to share what she learned and the steps that she is taking to prevent the development of breast cancer is Colleen Boraca.