Episode 063: Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. Today I’m joined by Nicola Rinaldi. Nicola has a PhD in computational biology from MIT. After graduating she worked for a biotechnology company while pursuing her dreams of a family, which were thwarted by a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea (no periods). Eighteen months of trying to conceive followed. She […]

The post 063: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi appeared first on Seven Health: Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet Nutritionist.

Episode 063: Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. Today I’m joined by Nicola Rinaldi. Nicola has a PhD in computational biology from MIT. After graduating she worked for a biotechnology company while pursuing her dreams of a family, which were thwarted by a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea (no periods). Eighteen months of trying to conceive followed.

She spent hours on research, using the knowledge gained to work on recovery. Concurrently, she tried the medical route to pregnancy, with multiple doctor visits, injections, and ultrasounds resulting only in failure. Ultimately, she was able to achieve a natural pregnancy.

Since that time, Nicola has shared her knowledge of the path to recovery, helping hundreds of others achieve their dreams of womanhood and pregnancy. She has spent the last three years as a stay-at-home mom, with her three boys, while writing a comprehensive guide to recovery, a book called “No Period. Now What?”


Here’s what we talk about in this podcast episode:

5:20 From band geek to over exercising

7:45 She came off the pill but her period didn’t come back

11:55 What is hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA)?

16:40 What are the things that can cause HA?

21:05 Why HA is so often misdiagnosed

27:50 The importance of a regular cycle outside of reproduction

34:20 How stress can affect her cycle

38:00 Food suggestions for getting over HA

40:55 Exercise recommendations for recovering from HA

43:20 The mental part of recovering from HA

49:30 What is the pregnancy outcomes for those recovering from HA?

53:25 Full recovery versus pseudo recovery


Here’s how to connect with with Nicola:


Facebook Group


Links mentioned during the show:

Get the book (Amazon)

Get the book (Nicola’s website)

First chapter of the book for free

Get PCOS chapter of the book for free


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Thanks for joining me on this episode. Here is a link to see the other shows. Until next time!

The post 063: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi appeared first on Seven Health: Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet Nutritionist.