Episode 036: Welcome to another episode of Real Health Radio, this week I’m interviewing Jodie is the director of Healthy Balance Fitness a multi-award winning group fitness business based in Melbourne, Australia, and the co-founder of The Moderation Movement. Jodie is spreading the word that quitting foods you enjoy, and forcing yourself to do exercise you hate, is […]

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Episode 036: Welcome to another episode of Real Health Radio, this week I’m interviewing Jodie is the director of Healthy Balance Fitness a multi-award winning group fitness business based in Melbourne, Australia, and the co-founder of The Moderation Movement. Jodie is spreading the word that quitting foods you enjoy, and forcing yourself to do exercise you hate, is not the way to a healthier, happier life.  After 18 years experience, Jodie is on a mission to make the fitness industry less about aesthetics and more about true health outcomes.


Here’s what we talk about in this podcast episode:

2:50 How she started as a personal trainer

4:35 Her relationship with exercise through her life

7:50 The message young people get about changing their body

9:10 The work she does with The Butterfly Foundation

10:35 What the Moderation Movement is all about

13:15 Why it has been so successful

15:00 The problems with weight stigma

17:20 Why body respect can be a better goal then body love

29:40 Negative body image isn’t necessarily about size

33:45 How social media has changed “fitness”

36:40 What you should think when you see pictures on social media

42:35 Gyms should do more to combat over exercise and disordered eating

44:05 How to get into exercise

49:05 How she gets the best out of group exercise

52:00 What exercise areas she teaches

54:20 The exercise that she most loves

56:30 The problems with trying to live up to being a “fitness trainer”


Here’s how you can connect with Jodie:



Moderation Movement




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The post 036: Interview with Jodie Arnot appeared first on Seven Health: Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet Nutritionist.

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