An old saying in Marketing is “don’t talk about features, talk about benefits.” And while many of us nod our heads in agreement, the truth is that you need to understand both, and many business owners and marketers don’t know how to get started and put that advice into action to build a strong brand.

Today on the Real Food Brands Marketing Podcast, host and Food & Bev Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva explains the difference between features and benefits and walks you through two exercises to use this concept to create a brand that will resonate with consumers.

In This Episode:

The difference between product features and consumer benefits. What questions to ask to help you differentiate between the two and why both are important to identify. Why emotional benefits are so important when trying to stand out and connect with consumers. How to make choosing your brand easy. The different types of benefits presented in the Bain Elements of Value Pyramid. How to use the Consumer Benefits Ladder to shape your brand messaging.


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